FGD for Improving Tourism Quality in the Lake Toba Area 7 Feb 2020 in the Baktiraja Sub-District Office Hall, as follows:
The FGD was opened by the Director of Marketing and attended by the Head of Sinambela Village, Marbun Toruan, Simamora, Simangulampe, Siunong Unong, Tipang, Marbun Tonga, Marbun Dolok, PIC Tourism Education. The educational educational PIC.
Responses to Mr. Nelson (Head of Marketing of Dispar Humbang Hasundutan) Educational tourism is a combination of tourism and education and learning elements and also tourists will stay with local residents such as homestays, BPODT establishes Baktiraja area as an educational tourism spot because of the many places for educational activities based on history, nature, culture and ecotourism and the readiness of destinations and their communities. Educational tourism will be able to increase community income, the Regional Government of Humbang Hasundutan is very appreciative of BPODT who will launch an educational tour in April by bringing in the Minister of Education and Culture and Menparekraf.
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Benefits of educational tourism:
- Increase community income through the sale of agricultural produce, souvenirs, lodging (homestay) and other needs
- Opening new jobs, such as becoming a tour guide, driver, traders, entrepreneurs, etc
- Stimulating the community, especially students, to be more active in learning and understanding new methods of Education
- Every time our area becomes a tourist destination that will be visited by tourists, especially students.
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