Toba Caldera Resort, Sibisa, 22386

Jl. Kapt. Pattimura No.125 Medan 20153 Sumatera Utara

Toba : (0625) 41500 Medan: (061)450-2908

Gotong Royong Tradition Is Again Driven for Environmental Hygiene in Toba Caldera Region

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As the saying goes. “cleanliness of the base of health” and cleanliness of the environment is a shared responsibility. Not only the janitor, but the responsibility of all citizens. This is what The Lecturer of Batak Literary Studies Program of the University of North Sumatra (USU) Drs Flansius Tampubolon M.Hum and the team conducted gotong royong and counseling on “Fostering Environmental Concern for Environmental Hygiene by Moving back gotong royong tradition” in Pangambatan Village, Brand District, Karo Regency, especially Toba Caldera area on Friday and Saturday (4-5/9) attended by pangambatan village community.
The purpose of community service lecturers serving USU invites all communities around Merek Sub-district, especially in Pangambatan Village as a tourist destination in Tanah Karo to actively and proactively care about the environment, especially in moving back the tradition of gotong-royong. Through this devotion, the community is created to work together to care for cleanliness and comfort so as to increase tourist visits in Dokan Village.

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