Toba Caldera Resort, Sibisa, 22386

Jl. Kapt. Pattimura No.125 Medan 20153 Sumatera Utara

Toba : (0625) 41500 Medan: (061)450-2908

To Attract Tourists, The Government Is 167.5 Billion in Lake Toba

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The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through a Specific Non Vertical Task Force (SNVT) providing housing in North Sumatra province allocated a budget of Rp 167.5 billion. Such funds are used for the construction of Tourism Residential Facilities (Sarhunta) in the Strategic Area of National Tourism ( KSPN) Lake Toba. Currently, the Government continues to encourage national economic recovery (PEN) efforts, one of which is through the tourism sector. Therefore, in addition to preparing infrastructure, the Government also seeks to improve the quality of people’s homes in existing tourism areas so that it is more organized and becomes a tourist attraction that visits. Sarhunta development is carried out by improving the quality of people’s homes along the corridors where tourism can also be a homestay for visiting tourists.

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